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Many motor vehicles in Marrakech are outdated and have high emissions of CO2. Especially the Grand Taxis are older and problematic. (Morocco 2019 Crime & Safety Report, 2019) Lots of the vehicles in the city’s street should not even be authorised anymore but there is a lack of inspection. Furthermore, the economic situation is hard which does not allow many people to afford a newer vehicle. Those more environmentally friendly vehicles are scarce in the private use and in the public transport. The airport taxis for example are newer (Morocco 2019 Crime & Safety Report, 2019) and emit less emissions of CO2 such as the ALSA BRT buses which are electric. (Electric Bus, 2020) The issue with the latter one is that there exists only one line with 10 buses at the moment. There is great potential and it would be ideal to expand the network.


To reduce the pollution, it is vital that there are more state subsidies for example for more new vehicle fleets or improvement in the current ones. Renewable energy is also of use, Morocco can highly benefit from solar energy.


It is from high importance to lower the environmental impacts of the transport to improve the air and the quality of life in Marrakech. Due to the WHO the air pollution was high because of the road traffic at least until 2016, the levels passed the threshold limits. (Pollution in Marrakech, Morocco, 2020) It should be avoided that the levels rise that much again.


Not only the air pollution has to shrink but also the noise pollution. Especially older vehicles and mopeds are a disruptive factor having a negative influence on the city and its people.


Marrakech Mosque. Source: Stockvault (2009).

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